Hang Tag Stickers


Hang tag stickers have gained immense popularity in recent years for several reasons, making them an ideal choice for businesses looking to enhance their branding efforts. Here's why hang tag stickers are so popular:

  1. Brand Advocacy: When a person purchases your product, it's likely because they are already a fan of your brand. By including a hang tag sticker with your product, you provide them with an opportunity to become a brand advocate. These stickers can be proudly displayed on personal items such as laptops, water bottles, or phone cases, effectively turning your customers into walking advertisements for your brand. This helps generate brand awareness and attract potential new customers.

  2. Cost-Effective: Hang tag stickers offer a cost-effective way to promote your brand. They are relatively inexpensive to produce compared to other marketing materials, such as brochures or banners. Despite their affordability, hang tag stickers can have a significant impact on brand recognition and customer engagement. By investing in hang tag stickers, you can effectively promote your brand without straining your marketing budget.

  3. Long-Lasting Durability: We understand the importance of longevity when it comes to promotional materials. Hang tag stickers are designed to last, ensuring that your brand message remains visible and intact for an extended period. These stickers are made with high-quality materials and durable adhesive, making them resistant to wear and tear. Whether your customers attach them to clothing, bags, or accessories, rest assured that your brand will remain prominently displayed, reinforcing brand recognition over time.


So many options!

Split Back  

Back Printing

Many Option 

Matte or Gloss
Liquid Lamination 

3-6 Years
UV Resistance 

Let’s Talk.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to reach to us. Here at Tec Color Craft, we prioritize our customers' needs and strive to provide excellent service. Whether you have a question about our products, pricing, or shipping, we are here to help.